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VISSCHER, N. - Nova haec tabula Galliae Lodovico XIIII . . .

VISSCHER, N. -  Nova haec tabula Galliae Lodovico XIIII . . .
VISSCHER, N. - Nova haec tabula Galliae Lodovico XIIII . . .
Published: Amsterdam, 1660
Size: 466 x 557 mm.
Color: In attactive original colours.
Condition: Paper very minor age toned. A good impression in stunning colours. Repair of 3 tears in lower margin.


Carte de France à bordures dédiée à Louis XIV. Ces bordures comprennent 14 vues de villes et 8 médaillons figurant le roi et la reine ainsi que les différentes classes sociales : noblesse, clergé, bourgeoisie et paysannerie.
Dated 1660. This handsome map of France is dedicated to Louis XIV, interesting in light of the nearly constant warfare between Louis and the Netherlands in the ensuing years.  The maps include 14 marginal city views and 8 portraits of French people, including the King and Queen.
  • Reference N°: 03931

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