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WEBBER, J. - The narta, or Sledge for burdens in Kamtschatka.

WEBBER, J. -  The narta, or Sledge for burdens in Kamtschatka.
WEBBER, J. - The narta, or Sledge for burdens in Kamtschatka.
Published: London, Boydell and Co., 1808
Size: 281 x 412mm.
Color: In original colours.
Condition: Contemp. handcoloured aquatint, published by Boydell (and successor), London, 1808[-20], on J. Whatman paper watermarked 1820.<br />Paper very slightly stained. Together with a text page.


The narta, or Sledge for burdens in Kamtschatka, taken from "Views in the South Seas" being a very important and early views depicting scenes encountered while employed as draughtsman on Cook's third voyage, which has been called "the most striking publication resulting from Cook's expeditions". (Parsons Collection 136).
Underneath the title : London. Pubd. April 1, 1809 by Boydell & Compy. No. 90 Cheapside. In lower left corner "J. Webber fecit" and "NB not mentioned in Cooks. last Voyage." to the lower right. No plate number.
On his return Webber was appointed by the Admiralty to supervise the production of engravings that were made from his originals to illustrate the official account of 1784, these 12 plates were first published separately by Webber between August 1788 and August 1792, and Boydell first reissued the plates in their present form, with an additional four plates and with descriptive text in 1808, fifteen years after Webber's death. Copies with varying watermark dates are known, but Abbey does not distinguish them as separate editions, nor do other bibliographers: "The title page is dated 1808 in all copies, but the plate imprints are dated April, 1809, and the water mark dates vary widely copy by copy, apparently a feature peculiar to Boydell's color plate books" (Hill).

For a discussion of the various editions of Webber's Views in the South Seas (1786-1820) see R. Joppien and B. Smith, The Art of Captain Cook's Voyages, New Haven and London, III, Text, pp.192-96
Abbey "Travel" 595. Tooley 501. Hill p.611. Mitchell Library "Cook" 1872. Holmes 79.
  • See other items by this publisher: WEBBER, J.
  • Reference N°: 30047

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