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TURNER, R. - A view of the earth : being a short but comprehensive system of modern geography graphy …

TURNER, R. -  A view of the earth : being a short but comprehensive system of modern geography graphy …
TURNER, R. - A view of the earth : being a short but comprehensive system of modern geography graphy …
Published: London, S. Crowder and S. Gamidge, 1771
Size: 310 x 200mm.
Color: Uncoloured.
Condition: [iii], 48 p., [8], 64pp. many leaves of have engraved plates, illustrated with : ill., 7 maps. ; 31 cm (fo.). Third edition.


Two works bound together. Small folio. (c.30 x 20 cm). 2ll.+pp.48; 2ll.+64. Bound in modern half calf over marbled boards, red label with gilt lettering. Ownership inscription "Mary Cameron 1833" to first title. First work with 7 engraved maps (including twin-hemisphere world map), plate of a globe, engraved illustrations in text including one of a Geographical Clock with volvelle intact. Second work with engraved frontispiece and plate of a globe, engraved illustrations in text including one of an Astronomical Clock with volvelle intact. Frontis and title to second work slightly browned and with small ink splashes, also the frontis slightly creased.
Turner, R. (Richard), 1723 or 4-1791.

The Third Edition, 7 engraved maps (including twin-hemisphere world map), plate of a globe, engraved illustrations in text including one of a Geographical Clock with volvelle intact, ink signature on title, for S.Crowder…and S.Gamidge, 1771 bound with A View of the Heavens: Being a Short, but Comprehensive, System of Modern Astrology, The Second Edition, engraved frontispiece and plate of a globe, engraved illustrations in text including one of a Astronomical Clock with volvelle intact, frontispiece with crease, title with numerous small ink marks, for S. Crowder, 1783, browned, new endpapers, modern half calf, folio .

The frontispiece map of the world "The World agreeable to the latest discoveries" features a truncated version of New Holland before Cook's mapping of the east coast and with "Lewin Land" and "Dimens Land". This edition is one of the last geographical publications to see the Australian region as an unresolved puzzle despite Cook's first voyage and references to New Holland on p. 22.
Pages 29 includes a volvelle "The explanation and Use of the geographical clock", which has references to the "Unknown Land", New Zealand and "Great South Sea".

The map of Asia has "Sea of Korea".

Bound with: A view of the heavens : being a short but comprehensive system of modern astronomy … / by the Rev. Mr. Turner. London : Printed for S. Crowder and S. Gamidge, 1765.
Subjects Geography - Early works to 180 Globes - Early works to 1800. Place Great Britain England London
Other authors/contributors Crowder, Stanley, -1798, Book producer and Turner, R. (Richard), 1723 or 4-1791. View of the heavens.
  • Reference N°: 34562

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